Social Impact

Pioneering Climate Change Education

We believe that by presenting environmental issues in a fun and optimistic way, we can engage students and teachers alike, equipping them with the knowledge and tools they need to make a real difference. Our program goes beyond traditional education by showcasing the real heroes—scientists, engineers, and innovators—who are leading the charge in solving the world’s environmental challenges.

A Proven Educational Program

We're Advancing Global Climate Literacy

Planet Bonehead has been used in schools across North America since 2009, reaching 30,000 teachers, and impacting nearly a million kids each year. Today, we're working with the world's leading educational distributors to stream the program into classrooms in over 80 countries. And we're only getting started...

We're Teaching Kids

Planet Bonehead equips students with critical thinking skills, STEAM education, and career preparation focused on solving environmental challenges. By fostering a deep understanding of climate issues, we’re preparing the next generation to lead in a sustainable future.


Students learn from Planet Bonehead each year

We're Helping Teachers

Teachers frequently cover the cost of resources like PBh out of their own pockets. By offering this program at no charge, we eliminate this financial burden. Plus, we equip educators with essential classroom tools and professional development content, empowering them to approach their teaching with confidence and effectiveness.


Teachers use Planet Bonehead each year

We’re Elevating Public Awareness

Beyond the classroom, Planet Bonehead raises public awareness about climate change and sustainability. Our efforts contribute to a larger movement, ensuring that accurate, actionable information reaches communities, helping to build a more informed and environmentally conscious society.

Our Mission

To inspire and empower the next generation of master stewards for our one and only Planet Earth

Looking Ahead

From “Doom & Gloom” to “Hope & Bloom”

As we look to the future, our goal is clear: ensuring that every child, regardless of their background, has access to high-quality climate education. We are committed to expanding our reach, refining our content, and continuing to empower both educators and students to take action for a sustainable future.

Expand the Program

We are committed to producing new units and expanding the Planet Bonehead program to cover all K-12 grades. Our goal is to ensure that kids at every level are equipped with the knowledge they need to understand climate change, preparing them for a bright future and careers in green tech and STEAM fields.

Uplift Teachers

We aim to create teacher resources and professional development content for educators. Teachers lack the knowledge, resources, and support they need to teach climate lessons with confidence. We're fixing that.

Reach More Kids

Our mission is to impact at least 10 million kids each year by 2030 with free climate education. We are focused on an ambitious distribution strategy that will extend our reach and ensure that every child has access to the resources they need to become informed stewards of the planet.

I’m Bobby Donohue

I'm revolutionizing climate education

The sad fact is that teachers lack the knowledge, resources, and support they need to approach topics like climate change or global warming with confidence. So I'm giving it to them for free. Want to help?

Bobby Donohue and Bonehead

The name‘s Head. BONEhead.

The Agricultural Pollination Series