The Challenge Every Teacher Faces

Struggling with Climate Education?

The desire to teach young kids about climate change is there, but where’s the guidebook? Planet Bonehead offers the knowledge, resources, and support you need to make it happen.

Tailored to stimulate the curiosity and critical thinking of grades 3-5 students, Planet Bonehead isn’t just another educational tool – it’s a transformational journey into the heart of our environment and the incredible green technology striving to protect it.

Videos and lesson plans that simplify complex topics

Teacher Resource Kits to help you build confidence

Planet Bonehead is 100% FREE

Unmatched Climate Science Teaching Tools

Each Unit Has 4 Distinct Segments

Planet Bonehead comprises several standalone units, each delving into different environmental topics through a series of premium videos and comprehensive lesson plans.

Start with Fun & Levity

Meet the Boneheads uses animation and humor to create an engaging and vibrant learning atmosphere for the students. It’s all about making the introduction to the topic as gentle as possible.

Show Them WHY It Matters

It’s Your Planet Too! connects the dots between the environmental issue at hand and the students' daily lives, showing them why it should matter to them.

Add Creativity & Solutions

In Think Like Engineers!, we turn the spotlight onto amazing technology solutions. We go beyond problem identification, actively showing the students that solutions are not just possible, but already in motion.

Empower Action & Change

Finally, You Have the Power! wraps up the unit on a high note, instilling a sense of agency and capability in the students. Our empowering music video provides practical ideas and actions that students can do at home or at school!

Watch Through Our Distributors

If your school subscribes to one of these educational streaming platforms, please stream Planet Bonehead videos through them. This helps us earn royalties, which are crucial for funding our ongoing efforts. You can enjoy our content and support us simply by choosing these platforms for your viewing.

SAFARI Montage

You're Going to Love This

Teacher Resource Kit

Each unit provides adult-level resources to enhance your own understanding of each topic, as well as activities and lesson plans to effectively facilitate this learning in the classroom. Yes, these are free too!

Teacher Reference Material

Class Discussion Prompts

Printable Quiz & Glossary

Art Lesson Plans

Engineering Lesson Plans

Activity Lesson Plans

Join over 30,000 teachers nationwide using PBh since 2009

PBh is aligned with NGSS - Next Generation science Standards

Next Gen Science Standards

Each unit aligns with NGSS for grades 3-5

STEAM lesson plans align with NGSS

Standards clearly outlined in the Teacher Resource Kits

National Core Arts Standards

Each unit aligns with NCAS for grades 3-5

Art lesson plans align with NCAS

Illustrates the collaborative relationship between art and science

I’m Bobby Donohue

I'm revolutionizing climate education

The sad fact is that teachers lack the knowledge, resources, and support they need to approach topics like climate change or global warming with confidence. So I'm giving it to them for free. Want to help?

Bobby Donohue and Bonehead

The name‘s Head. BONEhead.

The Agricultural Pollination Series