Water Scarcity Unit

Take a journey across the planet and discover the natural water cycle that replenishes the global water supply!

Take a look at the four main causes of water scarcity we face, and how we can use water filters to fix them!

Design & engineer your own water filtration system for your own community's water supply!

Become a water conservation master, and develop critical thinking skills in this fun, team, outdoor activity!

The unit begins with the

Teacher Resource Kit

This kit offers a range of materials and activities designed to engage students in exploring the challenges of water scarcity and discovering innovative solutions through interdisciplinary learning experiences.

Water Scarcity Unit TRK 1
Water Scarcity Unit TRK 2
Water Scarcity Unit TRK 3
Water Scarcity Unit TRK 4
Water Scarcity Unit TRK 5
Water Scarcity Unit TRK 6

Teacher Resources

Within the Teacher Resource Kit, educators will find a wealth of resources to aid in lesson planning and delivery. These include detailed lesson plans, presentation slides, printable worksheets, assessment rubrics, and supplementary materials such as videos and articles. The kit is structured to guide teachers through each stage of the unit, from introducing key concepts to facilitating hands-on activities and assessing student learning outcomes.

Art Lesson Plan

The art lesson included in the kit invites students to explore the intersection of art and engineering by creating infographics that communicate the importance of water filtration technology in addressing water scarcity. Through this lesson, students develop visual communication skills while deepening their understanding of complex scientific concepts related to water purification.

STEAM Lesson Plan

The STEAM lesson focuses on engineering design and challenges students to design and prototype their own water filtration systems. By integrating science, technology, engineering, art, and math, this lesson fosters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration among students as they work together to solve real-world problems.

Activity Lesson Plan

Finally, the outdoor activity lesson encourages students to connect with nature and apply their knowledge of water conservation in a hands-on learning experience. Through an outdoor scavenger hunt, students explore their surroundings, identify water-related phenomena, and reflect on the importance of responsible water use in sustaining ecosystems and supporting human communities.

Meet the Boneheads!

Castaway Water Animated Adventure

Castaway Water - Part 1

JP Rothbone and his Sniveling Cronies have designed an amazing water filtration system that would allow everyone on Earth to have pure, clean drinking water - at a steep price, of course! In true Rothbone fashion though, JP sets off to pollute ALL the Earth's water so that everyone, everywhere would need to buy his filter.

Castaway Water - Part 2

While searching for JP's secret lair, the Boneheads are shipwrecked on an uncharted desert isle. The castaways realize it is the very island where JP is about to unleash a terrible storm that will rain down pollution over the entire planet's water supply. Pa Fossil tries to give Bonehead the mission details so he can destroy JP's pollution machine before it pollutes all the Earth's drinking water. Unfortunately, Bonehead isn't listening, and is instead daydreaming about his own heroic adventure to stop JP and gain fame and glory.

Castaway Water - Part 2

While Bonehead is busily preparing for his mission, the actual mission of destroying JP's pollution machine is undertaken by the rest of the spy team. Once the mission is complete, the Boneheads still face the problem of getting themselves off the deserted tropical island.

It’s Your Planet Too!

Understanding Water Scarcity and Its Causes

Thirsty Planet: Exploring Water Scarcity

In this introductory segment, host Bobby Donohue introduces water scarcity and the need for clean drinking water. He highlights challenges faced by communities without access to clean water and discusses innovative solutions. The segment concludes with an overview of the water cycle's role in maintaining Earth's water supply, offering insight into the global water crisis and the need for sustainable solutions.

The Water Cycle: Water’s Endless Journey Across Planet Earth

In this segment, students delve into the water cycle, exploring evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection. Through vivid descriptions and relatable analogies, viewers understand how water transforms from liquid to vapor and back. The segment explores cloud formation and precipitation mechanisms, offering captivating visuals and clear explanations. By immersing students in the journey of water through Earth's atmosphere and surface, the video fosters appreciation for the forces shaping our planet's hydrological systems.

Water Shortages: Exploring Physical and Economic Scarcity

In this segment, students explore water scarcity, understanding its two main forms: physical and economic scarcity. Through compelling examples, they grasp the challenges communities face in accessing clean water. From drought-prone regions to areas with economic barriers, the segment offers a comprehensive view of the crisis. By fostering awareness of its causes and consequences, the video empowers students to advocate for sustainable solutions and equitable water access.

Water Scarcity: Understanding the Four Root Causes

In this segment, viewers uncover the four primary causes of water scarcity, from limited availability to contamination and poor management practices. Through engaging examples, students grasp the interconnectedness of these factors and are inspired to adopt a solution-oriented mindset. By fostering critical thinking skills, the video empowers students to become catalysts for positive change in addressing water scarcity.

Think Like Engineers!

How Water Filters Transform Our Water System

Clean Water for All: The Power of Water Filters

In this segment, viewers explore the innovative world of water filtration technology and its crucial role in addressing water scarcity. Through vivid explanations, students uncover how water filters function as a "big net" to remove impurities, transforming dirty water into clean, potable water. Real-world applications, from desalination plants to solar-powered filters, inspire students to envision practical solutions for ensuring universal access to clean water.

Water Filters and Community Water Solutions

This video unveils the transformative potential of water filters in optimizing water resource management. Students discover how greywater filtration systems repurpose used water for non-potable purposes, alleviating strain on limited potable water supplies. Additionally, the role of water filters in decentralized water systems empowers communities to maintain access to clean water despite logistical challenges. By elucidating these innovative applications, the segment inspires students to envision holistic solutions for ensuring universal access to safe and clean water resources in a rapidly changing world.

You Have the Power!

You Can Help Conserve Water

“Turn Off the Water!” Music Video

“Turn Off the Water” is an energetic, upbeat song showcasing some simple ways kids can be part of the solution right now - at home and at school - simply by turning off the water when they're not using it. Use this song to introduce the concept of water conservation before embarking on the outdoor lesson plan.

PBh is aligned with NGSS - Next Generation science Standards

NGSS Alignment

Grade 3

Grade 3 students engage with the water cycle, water scarcity, and solutions like filtration systems. The content encourages scientific inquiry and observation, fostering an understanding of the interdependence of Earth's systems.

Grade 4

Fourth graders explore the water cycle's impact on Earth's systems and engage in hands-on engineering by designing water filtration systems. This interdisciplinary approach integrates scientific principles and engineering practices.

Grade 5

For Grade 5, students deepen their understanding of the water cycle's role in shaping the Earth's surface and contribute to solving real-world problems by designing and refining water filtration systems.

Engineering & Design Grades 3-5

Within the realm of engineering and design, students engage in the engineering design process, identifying problems related to water scarcity and applying their understanding to design effective water filtration systems. The unit encourages creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration as students become young engineers tackling global challenges.

The Agricultural Pollination Series